
Mandatory Information

Elisa camLine Holding GmbH
Fraunhoferring 9
85238 Petershausen

Phone: +49 8137 9350
E-mail: info(@)camLine.com

Managing Director:
Sandra Poeschl

Commercial Register Entry:
Local Court of Munich, HRB 259951

VAT Identification Number:

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We assume no liability for the content of external links. For the content of linked pages, only their respective owners are responsible.


All other product, company, and service names as well as company logos mentioned are the property of their respective owners and are mentioned for identification purposes only.

Limitation of Liability

The content of camLine Website are compiled with meticulous care and to the best of camLine knowledge. However, camLine cannot assume any liability for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the provided content. The usage of the content of the website takes place on the user’s own risk. Articles labeled by name express the opinion of its respective author but not necessarily camLine’s opinion. Pure usage of this website does not establish any contractual relationship between the respective user and camLine.


This site contains links to third party websites (“external links”). These websites are designed by their respective producers and are subject to the exclusive responsibility of their producers, owners or providers. At the time of including the external link no infringement was perceptible on the respective website. Nevertheless, camLine does not have any influence on the current or future design and content of linked websites. For this reason, camLine expressly dissociates from any linked content on third party websites. Failing precise indication of any infringement offence, camLine cannot undertake permanent control of third-party content. Once such offence has been detected, camLine will immediately remove any referring link.


Any content of camLine Website (text, photos, graphics, etc.) is protected by German copyright law. Third party rights and content are automatically protected under such law without being expressly marked. Copying, modifying, redistributing, or exploiting of any content or works in any way otherwise than permitted under the copyright law is subject to the respective author’s or producer’s written consent. You may download and copy information from this site for your own personal use and non-commercial exploitation only.

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