
A Recap of camLine forum 2024:
Insights, Innovations, and Top Moments

camLine's CEO, Bryan Ng, and keynote speaker and Managing Director of Silicon Saxony, Frank Bösenberg during the key ceremony

It’s a wrap with camLine forum 2024! The event exhibited innovations, collaborations, and insightful discussions, gathering industry leaders, experts, and enthusiasts from over 30 manufacturing companies across the globe. This biennial event showcases camLine’s comprehensive end-to-end solutions in driving Industry 5.0 forward in the historic city of Dresden, Germany. The event took place on September 11–12 under the theme “Define a Future with Digital Continuity”, marking the 22nd camLine forum since 1992.


The event kicked off with a key ceremony led by camLine’s CEO, Bryan Ng, with keynote speaker and Managing Director of Silicon Saxony, Frank Bösenberg. The key, which represents success, new opportunities, and new possibilities, was inserted into the designated box, thus signifying the start of the camLine forum 2024.

A presentation by Manuel Munoz from Vitesco Technologies​
The networking crowd during camline forum 2024
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Inspiring Use Cases & Success Stories Sharing

The first day of the event was lively as several industry experts from around the world got the chance to speak and share insights surrounding the topic of industrial digitalization and its impact on production efficiency, as well as sharing success stories of using digital solutions from camLine in their manufacturing production. It was indeed the perfect hotspot for insightful conversations and networking!

Engaging User Group Meetings

The second day was packed with several highly engaging User Group Meetings (UGM). The UGMs were divided by camLine’s core products, which include LineWorks SPACE, LineWorks RM, InFrame Synapse, and Cornerstone. In each UGM, customers voiced their opinions and voted on future developments of camLine products after industry experts shared insights on the product roadmap and list of features for future releases.

Interactive Live Demos

On both days, camLine teamed up with strategic partners from Elisa IndustrlQ group—including Elisa IndustrlQ itself, sedApta Group, Romaric Corporation, and CalcuQuote—to proudly showcase their state-of-the-art end-to-end solutions at the designated interactive demo stations, specifically made to push Industry 5.0 forward. At these demo stations, attendees were able to witness and experience firsthand the transformative power of camLine technologies for the future of manufacturing, featuring AI, machine learning, material control, and supply chain optimization.

Live demo stations at camLine forum 2024

Wrapping Up camLine forum 2024

camLine team at camLine forum 2024

camLine would like to express our gratitude to all the speakers, attendees, partners, and camLiners who made the event possible and remarkable. It was a fantastic experience to explore, learn, and connect with many passionate individuals and experts. camLine forum will be back in 2026 – until then, here’s to a bright digital future together!

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