White Paper

Beyond Design of Experiments: What’s Next in the Business?

Unlock the hidden insights from your Design of Experiments (DoE) data and discover how meta-analysis takes your process understanding to the next level

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Summary of the White Paper

This whitepaper presents an innovative approach to systematically collect DoE data from multiple sources in a unified database. By applying meta-analysis techniques, it becomes possible to uncover insights and knowledge that go beyond what isolated experiments can provide, helping engineers unlock the full potential of their experimental data

Key Insights

Summary of the White Paper

This whitepaper presents an innovative approach to systematically collect DoE data from multiple sources in a unified database. By applying meta-analysis techniques, it becomes possible to uncover insights and knowledge that go beyond what isolated experiments can provide, helping engineers unlock the full potential of their experimental data

"This solution enables the systematic storage of experimental data, supports researchers with naming conventions, and facilitates easy retrieval for later analyses in a meta-analysis context. It opens the door to more possibilities in advanced design of experiment methodologies."

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