We are connected to more industries than you think.

The world of high-tech production is turning at a rapid pace. The demand for ever shorter innovation and development times, collaboration across supply chains, and an intelligent and integrated manufacturing environment are the challenges faced by modern manufacturing. With that in mind, software solutions cannot afford to stand still; they need to be ahead of the curve. “Made by camLine”, our future-oriented industry solutions, not only meet these challenges, but they also signal the emergence into a completely new world of automation.


Since the company was founded, camLine has been one of the world’s top software solution providers for the semiconductor industry’s manufacturing sector. A joint venture with Infineon gave rise to the software flagship LineWorks SPACE which today is the number one choice for sophisticated quality assurance (QA) at group level. The second flagship, LineWorks RM, is one of the most powerful software solutions for online recipe management, featuring flexible implementation options, release processes, and escalation scenarios.

Electronics industry

The electronics industry which also includes the pioneering high-tech sector that ranges from “chip” production right through to nanotechnology research, is constantly in flux. The high level of innovation within the industry is reflected in the groundbreaking IT architecture and modules of our LineWorks Suite which is used, by way of example, as part of manufacturing logistics for the electronics manufacturers Continental Automotive and Bosch.


camLine is moving its productivity into the fast lane. Even as we speak, a revolution is underway in the fields of autonomous, electrical, and shared mobility and connectivity. This presents a challenge that also requires revolutionary software solutions. camLine is developing the software and tools for the mobility of tomorrow. Software solutions that give a dedicated answer to requirements such as zero-defect PPMs, JIT / JIS deliveries, 24/7 or efficient supply chains with flexible locations in BCCs (Best-Cost Countries).

Medical devices

To ensure a healthy production process, camLine provides companies in the medical technology and pharmaceutical industries with solutions that can be used to help you easily overcome the challenges of modern manufacturing. These proven, flexible solutions are not only a guarantee of quality, they also reduce costs and support you in complying with the medical industry’s ever-changing global regulations.

Materials science

The challenges faced in the field of materials technology can often be found at the atomic level. Production has to be accompanied by constant balancing of the manufacturing processes within the permissible ranges of tolerance which must be coordinated with one another along the value chain. Digitalization has provided groundbreaking momentum to the field of materials science: Quality assurance made by camLine provides agile teams with a vital system landscape that is designed for high data throughput. The production process benefits from the addition of online information/escalation management as well as automatic OOC (Out of Control) action plans.

Solar industry

All across the globe, the solar sector is becoming increasingly important to industries. Many manufacturers are faced with the challenge of efficiently adapting to new and ever-changing requirements. The photovoltaic industry quickly realized that it could benefit from the established industrial standards of the semiconductor industry. Our solutions feature a Manufacturing Execution System (MES Solar) and offer tools that are geared specifically towards quality assurance (LineWorks PVQ) in the solar industry.


With a proprietary infrastructure solution adapted especially for R&D organizations, camLine offers a visionary answer to the question of knowledge management. It closes the gap in the product life-cycle (PLC) between the bidirectional exchange of information that takes place during technology development and the large-scale production ramp-up that follows this development process.


Whether automotive, electronics, solar energy or medical technology—progress is the lifeblood of all industries. Digital transformation and globalization are presenting companies with a whole host of new challenges. Thanks to camLine’s engineering analytics software solutions which also include the use of sophisticated artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, engineers can now tinker test, and calculate to their heart’s content.

camLine Battery Manufacturing

Battery Manufacturing

A surge of EV battery manufacturing starts with the awareness of climate change and transition of energy. To prepare for a sustainable future, camLine’s XperiDesk supports the technology development for batteries of all types: lithium-ion, solid-state, semi-solid-state, and more. Seamless transition from sampling to mass production is enabled by implementing camLine’s scalable MES. The mass production of bipolar plates for hydrogen fuel cell relies on advanced quality control from LineWorks SPACE. camLine is ready for supply chain strategies shaped by digitalization. Get a prototype today!

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