LineWorks MMS

Empower your experts and create a winning maintenance team

Industrial plants are the assets of any manufacturing-driven company but—only if they are actually manufacturing. Efficient, condition-based predictive maintenance minimizes production downtime and maximizes OEE, precisely according to your strategy. The LineWorks MMS infrastructure solution provided by camLine guarantees the maximum uptime of connected.

Orchestration of all maintenance and repair tasks

According to a study by the ARC Advisory Group, 80 percent of assets in production plants fail unplanned even though dedicated investment maintenance programs have been deployed. LineWorks MMS (MMS: Machine Maintenance Solution) provided by camLine is a software-based infrastructure solution to overcome that dilemma. Event-driven, the production organization is fully engaged regarding its maintenance tasks so that all resources match perfectly. The system orchestrates all necessary maintenance measures and monitors them to ensure precise controlling of the status of even the most complex networks of production facilities. The scalable high-availability solution enables scalable Asset Performance Management (APM) KPIs to be met:

Predictive maintenance or prescriptive operations? Analysts still do not really agree what the ideal solution is. With the innovative LineWorks MMS solution from camLine for maintenance management at its best, you are already on the right track. High-performance data analytics helps to further enrich the digital twin of the production facilities with current data. So, you are always on the safe side, making sure your investments really achieve the specified return on investment.

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