LineWorks CDM

Container Distribution Management for Gases and Chemicals
LineWorks CDM is designed to monitor, track, and trace online the complete supply chain with respect to all your suppliers’ products being used internally in the fabs. For your facilities, the quality data of all consumed materials—such as gases, liquids, or raw materials—are seamlessly gathered, from stock to distribution cabinets. They are made available for reporting and extensive data analyzes with subsequent escalation procedures.

Container Distribution Management

Supports individual production sites of manufacturers to supply each other with consumables already on stock and thus creates a virtual Giga Fab:

It extends the online SPC power of LineWorks SPACE in connection with LineWorks SQM to gases and other chemicals. LineWorks CDM supports you in getting better control over the delivered quality from your process engineering suppliers. You achieve better product quality and increase your end customers’ satisfaction.

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