LineWorks CQM

Strengthen your position in the supply chain
LineWorks CQM is an add-on for LineWorks SPACE that helps you integrate all production sites including your value chains by implementing a consistent generation process for electronic Certificate of Analysis (eCOA) for your customers. Transparency and sharing will build up trust and enable collaboration with your customers aiming to deliver better products.
You gather quality data from your manufacturing processes and from your suppliers. Having all these data collected into LineWorks SPACE, then LineWorks CQM helps you compile all the required quality data to issue those as eCOAs and publish them to your customers. This significantly reduces your efforts to customize eCOAs and supports you by automating the eCOA generation process.
LineWorks CQM manages an online approval process. Flawless eCOAs are instantly delivered to your customer involved. Moreover, this will trigger/release the process for goods delivery. Any reject or error in eCOA will cause LineWorks CQM to automatically notify your team and prevent objectionable materials from shipping. By doing so, your customers will exclusively only hold perfect goods in hands with corresponding exemplary certificates of analysis for review and acceptance.

For manufacturers

For suppliers

Electronic Certificates of Analysis (eCOA) to be used for quality assurance on the supply chain

Manufacturers’ quality assurance issues lot or batch-bound Certificates of Analysis to their products actually manufactured. With regard to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) compliance, these certificates are used during transport as goods accompanying documents, especially in foreign trade as well as for security and control regulations. Their content lists the results of performed in-process tests or final inspections for approval, methods, and qualitative outcome. In addition, however, they also confirm that a regulated product meets its product specifications according to individual customer agreements. Without automation, the latter performance requirements can quickly lead to a significant use of your resources.

The solutions LineWorks SQM and LineWorks CQM offer the automated creation of electronic Certificates of Analysis (eCOA) which can flexibly be tailored to your individual customer requirements. The overall goal is the resource-saving drawing up of Certificates of Analysis and prompt availability of quality data on the entire supply chain. Approval processes for complete supply chains and for material movements will be streamlined such that just goods with proper standards will be in transit.

In conjunction with LineWorks SPACE as their backbone, LineWorks SQM and LineWorks CQM can fully show their potentials. The combination with the powerful online SPC system provides much more information, not only for supplier ratings or scorecards. You gain a much larger scope for your analyses, e.g. for correlations and Root Cause Analyses, with rules that, by determination, can trigger immediate countermeasures.

Related Work Smarter Videos

Qualifications and Compliance Made Easier ​

Issuing and handling of Electronic Certificates of Analysis (eCOA) are automatized to ensure timely quality responses for your customers. In this work smarter video, discover how your manufacturing will achieve more with Customer Quality Management (LineWorks CQM) by providing availability and traceability for customer quality reports across your entire supply chains!

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