LineWorks SPACE eCAP

Electronic Corrective Action Plan (electronic OCAP)

This add-on module extends advanced Statistical Process Control (LineWorks SPACE) with a fully integrated workflow engine (LineWorks eCAP)  which helps i.e. process engineers to define and refine Corrective Actions (CA) as separate processes and then execute and track them in the operational environment. The definition of these electronic Corrective Action Plans (eCAP) is done intuitively in a graphical designer. You can get started right away because intensive training is not necessary. Nor do you need to code. And for daily work with eCAPs, no active support from manufacturing IT is required.

LineWorks SPACE eCAP adds a new dimension to your Quality Assurance (QA) at the operational level helping you to ensure compliance with quality, process, and individual compliance regulations and to better analyze root causes.

By integrating with LineWorks SPACE, eCAPS are triggered interatcively by violations in the SPACE Charts. The eCAPS ensure that CAs are properly executed to address the rule violations. The actions are recorded in the SPACE Charts as comments on samples. Real-time decisions and precise actions by operators or process engineers are brought about and implemented in this way. Operators are efficiently guided through best practices. All executed steps are documented to ensure a complete audit trail. The workflow provides escalation strategies that help reduce the workload of experts. The gained history of all CAs taken and their success status allows your organization to constantly learn and enhance its process know-how.

Key Features

Your Benefits

Highlights of Release 3.3.4

The layout of LineWorks SPACE eCAP 3.3.4 user interface is now aligned to other products in the LineWorks family using LineWorks iGate 4. This includes a responsive design that optimizes the visibility and positions of components, like auto-hiding the navigation pane on smaller screens or placing the workflow image on the right of the data entry on wider screens.
With the new layout, eCAP instances are accessible on mobile and other devices.

If you would like to upgrade your installation or receive a demo of the new release, contact your camLine project manager or sales.

Interactive eCAP integration with control charts (SPACE Charts)

LineWorks SPACE eCAP plug-in at the top right of the SPACE Chart window:

Direct call of the eCAP Workflow Instance from the SPACE Chart:

The associated workflow in eCAP Designer:

Web-based, interactive reporting from LineWorks SPACE eCAP:

Related camLine live Sessions

Measurement Lifecycles to Drive Decision Making
Automate measurement handling with LineWorks SPACE eCAP


Implementing CAPA for Production Quality
Enabling digital continuity across manufacturing


Related Work Smarter Videos

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A centralized platform for automatized data collection will enable you to increase product uniformity and process efficiency by ensuring data integrity. In this work smarter video, discover how camLine’s solution covers advanced Statistical Process Control (SPC) that will give you the power to configure and activate process trending rules. Your Quality Assurance (QA) will achieve more through integrated and fully automated SPC monitoring.

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Digital Transformation on the OCAP Process

Out-of-Control Action Plans (OCAP) will help your Semiconductor backend line achieve maximum productivity. In this video, camLine will uncover intelligent solutions of interactive and executable OCAPs. It will enable effective communication and consistent problem solving.

Do you want to know more?


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