
Hierarchical offline tool recipe management

„Intellectual Property is one of our core assets. However, it was difficult to productize it. Now, we have all process steps and modules documented in the XperiDesk recipe editor and can offer them as real product to our customers.” There is an increasing demand for shorter project schedules and faster time to market. Imagine what equipment recipe maintenance efficiency could be achieved, if:

XperiCipe enables you to reuse the recipes and documentation from previous developments, efficiently. It supports you in the management of data, information, and knowledge during the initial concept stages as well as lifecycle aware maintenance of manufacturing flows.

Data is managed from the minuscule conversion of values into different units to the organization of entire manufacturing flows. This documentation provides you with the means to productize and value your recipe IP.

With each development cycle, XperiCipe generates a greater aggregate of transferable efficiency. Use the simple drag and drop interface to reuse established processes and process modules. Sophisticated versioning and lifecycle management ensures that you can change recipes at any time without damaging your historical process documentation or production.

All these powerful tools come with unmatched flexibility. In short, XperiCipe offers you the tools you need to be even more efficient. It gives you the necessary freedom you need to do research and recipe maintenance, effectively.



Management of material properties:

Management of recipe parameters:

Management of manufacturing flows:

Wizzard to start the experimental verification:

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