Trainer Profile

Theo Wember

Theo Wember camLine

Theo Wember has been working as a freelance statistician since 1988. His main focus is on  Design of Experiments (DoE) but he also works in other areas of technical statistics (reliability engineering, sensitivity analysis, Monte Carlo simulation, root cause analysis, and process data analysis). In the last decade, all these challenges have merged into machine learning projects. He spends the greater part of his working time on courses which are often followed by customer projects. General project work with a focus on technical statistics in German or English completes his portfolio.

Dr. Wember is also a member of the “camLine Cornerstone board”.


Dr. Theo Wember
Trainer and coach
Technometry and stat. methods

Guidance and courses

From its origin, statistics is hardcore mathematics which Dr. Wember manages to make the subject accessible for engineers with trainings and as a consultant. Content is built up on flipcharts and, step by step, the walls are filled with informative graphics. All courses are based on the same elementary statistical principles. The course repertoire comprises DoE, MSA, survival analysis, regression analyses, and Monte Carlo simulations—as well as any combination of these. The content is covered in a German spoken book, “Technische Statistik und statistische Versuchsplanung” and a second upcoming monography about “Design of Experiments and its Impact on Machine Learning”. These books are also used as additional course materials and reflect almost legendary his decades of experience in technical statistics.



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