camLine User Group Meeting 2023

Session 1 —

Session 2 —

Beyond Bytes: Unraveling Security Threads in Our Software Tapestry
Wednesday, December 06, 2023, 9:00 AM CET

Next Level of User Experience in Reporting 
Wednesday, December 06, 2023, 10:15 AM CET

Beyond Bytes: Unraveling Security Threads in Our Software Tapestry Manufacturing Security

Manufacturing Security Latest Trend | LineWorks Technology Update


Who should participate?

Individuals working in the areas of:


Danny Yeoh

VP Business Dev & Marketing of camLine group, Managing Director
camLine, Malaysia

Danny has over 15 years’ experience in manufacturing IT solutions for SEMI Industry. He is currently responsible for Penang camLine operations and business development in the group and he actively partners with customers to define their own digital transformation and automation roadmap.

Next Level of User Experience in Reporting

Latest News on LineWorks STARGATE and LineWorks FACE

Learn how to:

Who should participate?

Individuals working in the areas of:


Handono Soemargo

Managing Director
camLine, Indonesia

Handono is the Managing Director of camLine Surabaya and has been with camLine since 2009. He has led the development of LineWorks SPACE add-on products that streamline and expand the solutions available for camLine customers. He now collaborates closely with the team to manage and expandcamLine Surabaya operations.

Soon Kai Tan

Product Manager
camLine, Singapore

Soon Kai has been with camLine since 2018. In his role as a product manager, he has experience in driving and developing LineWorks FACE and LineWorks ChatBot. His responsibilities include gathering requirements from customers and stakeholders, leading, as well as training individuals on the benefits and usage of LineWorks FACE.

Have we piqued your interest?

Then contact us!

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