Press Release

Cornerstone Extension CEDA Now Available

CEDA (Common Engineering Data Analysis) adds automation and data analysis options to Cornerstone

Petershausen, April 17, 2023

camLine, a leader in software solutions for high-tech industries, has announced the release of CEDA 1.0.1, a Cornerstone add-on that enhances data analysis capabilities in the engineering field. Developed and maintained for more than 20 years by Infineon Technologies, CEDA is now under continuous development and maintenance by camLine.

CEDA enhances Cornerstone in many fields, such as ADL automation (all CEDA actions can be automatically recorded and stored in an ADL file), data manipulation and analysis, metadata, repeating/modifying previous actions, rule-based variable selection, and so on. Even though most of the CEDA functions have identical names to Cornerstone functions, these CEDA functions have many more options than the corresponding Cornerstone functions and are designed for the usage of enhanced data (EFF) format. The specific of EFF file is that such a file does not only contain the data itself with a column header, but also additional metadata, e.g., limits, targets, measurement units, and so on.

According to Alessandra Corvonato, Product Manager at camLine, “CEDA is a game-changer in engineering data analysis. It enhances Cornerstone with many functionalities that were not available before, making it mandatory for automation. We are proud to offer CEDA 1.0.1 to our clients and to continue its development and maintenance.”

CEDA covers most of the Cornerstone menu items and offers more functionalities such as Merge Datasets and Plots. It is configurable with user-specific behaviors, allowing for personalized default settings of scaling methods and rules of building column headers.

CEDA 1.0.1 is camLine’s first official CEDA version and requires Cornerstone 8. It is now available to the public, and interested parties can visit camLine’s website for more information.

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